Gifts Ship Monday - Friday Gifts Ship Monday - Friday

Well Received: Morning In The Kitchen with Lillian

Well Received: Morning In The Kitchen with Lillian

From time to time, the team and I love to take our gift boxes home and experience the feeling of them personally.  We’re always focused on creating the box, balancing the mood and essence and building a gift that tells just the right story. We know how it feels to be the creator and giver or our gifts...But how does it feel to receive them?

Recently, I experienced just that. One morning, I was hanging with Lillian and I decided to unpack our newest gift box, Relax + Renew, and experience it with fresh eyes. I wanted to actually live in the moment of receiving the gift (with my favorite person, of course).

Like all of us, I strive to find that time to slow just have a moment (the good kind). I figured this box was the perfect excuse for me to find that moment.  I must admit it felt pretty great to be the giver and the receiver. 

When Lillian and I started to unpack the box, I thought about the quote of this box that says it all...

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” —John De Paola 

And the products within ask for and actually require slowness. Our new Ember Candle has a sweet, smoky resonance that feels right for quiet moments and takes time to reach and release its full scent.

While I may not have time for a true tea ceremony as often as I’d like, brewing and steeping our Masala Chai or Golden Nectar teas and enjoying them is a habit I’m happy to form each morning. And the Palermo Body Botanical Facial Steam smells as good as it looks. The dried petals are just the thing to bring peace of mind to a morning or evening ritual (or...why not both?).

The Valerie Confections + Edible Gardens Chocolate Bar is dotted with fleur de sel and rose petals has the right message. And our Keepsake Wooden Box is always a helpful catchall around the house. Lillian has a great idea...this season that she whispered to me here, she said we should gather fresh strawberries in it from our garden. We're feeling inspired by the Relax + Renew indeed. 

And keep an eye out for some of our other friends’ Well Received moments soon, so stay tuned for more. I can't wait to share! 

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